Some tests, e.g. those depending on external systems, may fail through no fault of the code under test. Such tests make a suite fragile and it makes sense to try and avoid them, but if that’s infeasible, it may help to retry a number of times before eventually assuming actual failure. RetryingTest provides that functionality.


maxAttempts (alias: value) [required]

The maxAttempts attribute specifies the maximum number of times to execute the test function. If the test function throws an exception, the test will be executed again, up to this limit.

The value attribute is an alias for maxAttempts. The attribute can be set either with @RetryingTest(N) or @RetryingTest(maxAttempts=N).

This attribute is required and must be a value greater than minSuccess. Only one of maxAttempts or value can be set, but not both.

minSuccess [optional]

The minSuccess attribute specifies the number of times the test function must complete successfully (i.e. without throwing an exception). The test function will be executed, up to maxAttempts, until it completes successfully this number of times.

The default for minSuccess is 1. The value must be greater than or equal to 1.

suspendForMs [optional]

The suspendForMs attribute specifies the amount of time to pause between retries, in milliseconds.

The thread executing this test is sleeping during that time and won’t execute other tests, so long suspensions are discouraged.

The default for suspendForMs is 0 (no pause). The value must be greater than or equal to 0.

onExceptions [optional]

By default, a test annotated with @RetryingTest will be retried on all exceptions except TestAbortedException (which will abort the test entirely). To only retry on specific exceptions, use onExceptions.

name [optional]

The name attribute specifies the display name for the individual test invocations. (To give a custom name to your container, use @DisplayName on the test method.) The attribute value supports these variables:

  • {index}: will get replaced by the current invocation index

  • {displayName}: will get replaced by the test container display name

The default for name is [{index}].

Basic Use

@RetryingTest(n) is used instead of @Test or other such annotations (e.g. @RepeatedTest). The attribute n specifies how often the test is executed before giving up.

void failsNever() {
    // passing test code

The test failsNever is executed once (which succeeds) and marked as passed.

void failsOnlyOnFirstInvocation() {
    // test code that fails on first execution
    // but passes on the second

The test failsOnlyOnFirstInvocation is executed once (which fails) and then once more (which succeeds). To allow the entire test suite to pass, the first execution is marked as ignored/aborted, which includes the underlying exception - the second is of course marked as passing.

void failsAlways() {
    // test code that always fails

The test failsAlways is executed three times (all of which fail). The first two executions are marked as ignored/aborted, while the last as failed - each contains the underlying exception.

void aborted() {
    // test code that is aborted,
    // e.g. because of an `Assumption`.

If a test is aborted (e.g.: because of a failed assumption) @RetryingTest won’t try again after that. The test aborted is aborted before (or during) its first execution. The first execution is marked as aborted/skipped, containing the underlying cause. The test suite as a whole is also marked as aborted/skipped.

Configuring the Number of Successes

@RetryingTest(maxAttempts = 4, minSuccess = 2)
void requiresTwoSuccesses() {
    // test code that must complete successfully twice

The test requiresTwoSuccesses must run at least two times without raising an exception. However, it will not run more than four times.

Suspending between each Retry

@RetryingTest(maxAttempts = 3, suspendForMs = 100)
void suspendsBetweenRetries() {
    // test code that will suspend/wait for 100 ms between retries

Use suspendForMs to specify the number of milliseconds to wait between each retry.

After failure, the test suspendBetweenRetries will wait for 100ms before retrying.

Configuring on which Exceptions to Retry

Use onExceptions to only retry on the mentioned exception(s):

private int EXECUTION_COUNT;

@RetryingTest(value = 3, onExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
void failsFirstWithExpectedThenWithUnexpectedException() {
    if (EXECUTION_COUNT == 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if (EXECUTION_COUNT == 2) {
        throw new NullPointerException();

This example test method will be executed twice. The first run yields an IllegalArgumentException, which is mentioned in onExceptions, so it is marked as aborted and a second run is launched. (This behavior would be the same without onExceptions because then the test is always retried.) The second run results in a NullPointerException, which was not expected and so it is marked as failed and no third run is attempted. (This behavior is different from a test without onExceptions, which would try a third time.)

Combining @RetryingTest with @Test et al

If @RetryingTest is combined with @Test or TestTemplate-based mechanisms (like @RepeatedTest or @ParameterizedTest), the test engine will execute it according to each annotation (i.e. more than once). This is most likely unwanted and thus the engine warns:

Possible configuration error: method […​] resulted in multiple TestDescriptors […​]. This is typically the result of annotating a method with multiple competing annotations such as @Test, @RepeatedTest, @ParameterizedTest, @TestFactory, etc.


This extension is thread-safe. During parallel test execution, all repetitions of a @RepeatFailedTest are executed sequentially.