It’s sometimes useful to fail a test after a certain date. One can imagine many reasons for doing so, maybe a remote dependency of the test is not licenced anymore.

The @FailAt annotation is perfectly suited for such cases. The test will fail when the given date is reached.


This annotation allows the user to move an assumption out of one or multiple test method’s code into the annotation. But this comes at a cost: Applying @FailAt can make the test suite non-reproducible. If a passing test is run again after the specified date, that build would fail. A report entry is issued for every test that does not fail until a certain date.


To mark a test to fail at a given date, add the @FailAt annotation like so:

@FailAt(date = "2025-01-01")
void test() {
    // Test will fail as soon as 1st of January 2025 is reached.

The date parameter must be a string in the date format specified by ISO 8601, e.g. "1985-10-26". Invalid or unparsable date strings lead to an ExtensionConfigurationException.

The @FailAt annotation may optionally be declared with a reason to document why the annotated test class or test method fails as soon as the date is reached:

@FailAt(reason = "We are not allowed anymore", date = "2025-01-01")
void testWithReason() {
    // Test will fail with the given reason as soon as 1st of January 2025 is reached.

The @FailAt annotation can be used on the class and method level, it will be inherited from higher-level containers:

@FailAt(date = "2025-01-01")
class TestClass {

    void test() {
        // Test will fail as soon as 1st of January 2025 is reached.


The @FailAt annotation can only be used once per class or method.

Before and After

The test will be executed normally if the date specified by date is in the future, but a warning entry will be published to the test report to indicate that there might be a problem in the future.

If date is today or in the past, the test will fail as the execution condition is not fulfilled anymore.


This extension is safe to use during parallel test execution.